Recruitment Process

Our main goal is to put the right person in the
right place at right time


Information Desk

Saptakoshi HumanResource Pvt. Ltd. offers its service for its clients from its main Information Services Desk from where any relevant information can be obtained. Moreover, the main registration is also carried out and the databank is maintained as well.



Each and every department is fully computerized and networked entirely in order to provide our clients the best and prompt service. Our staff members are always ready to help our  clients to provide better service and detail requirement of the company demand.



We apply for an approval  at the minister of labor {NEPAL) with all supporting documents of manpower demand. The concerned department will review the credibility of the demand and grant permission for advertisement in the local news paper.


Selection of Candidates

The company maintains an up to date data bank of potential candidates with full information on his skills, trade qualification and experience. All candidates are pre screened at our office before shortlisting for final interview to be conducted by employer or his representative .


Trade Test

Practical trade test will be taken at the  government approved technical training center before being finally approved for employment.


Medical Check-Up

Selected candidates will be sent to an authorized hospital or clinic for  full medical examination. Those candidates proven to be medically fit will be eligible to sign employment contract.



The orientation briefing is organized for two days to make all workers fully aware about the host country, its rules and regulation, labor laws, local culture and tradition among others.


Travelling Arrangements

In all case, we send all the visa endorsements passports to the concerned airlines, to confirm the scheduled flight from Nepal to the nearest airport of host country.